Every day there are more resources becoming available to assist Leader’s to continue to offer Guiding for their units, during this time of social distancing. If you have any links, activities or stories to share, please send them to the webmistress.

If you are in a not in situation to continue Guiding for your unit, that’s fine too! Do what is best for you and your family, but know you can contact a member of the Region or State teams if you need any support. 

COVIDsafe Guiding:


Log into ‘My Guidebook’. Click the blue ‘Running Your Unit’ tab of the left side the page. Scroll down past all the forms to locate program ideas and digital badgework.

Activities for Guiding at home, organised by fundamentals or theme.

Additional ideas for completing badges such as Guides Connect, Saluting Their Service

Ideas for virtual Guide meetings

Guides from Victoria will be taking you through Arts, Life Skills, Outdoors, Service, & STEM in a weekly Girl Guides episode released on their Youtube channel!

The adventures don’t stop just because we’re staying home – check out #AdventuresAtHome

Planning and programming resources

Activities, ideas and weekly challenges for Scouting@Home

Activities for Guiding@Home 

  • Facebook groups

Search for the groups Girl Guide Program Ideas and “Do at home” Guiding program ideas

We hope that you, your family and friends are safe!

Your Sisters in Guiding,

The SSR Region team