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Activities and Information:


Service activities

Below is a list of suggested service activities you can participate in throughout the year:

January 26th – Australia Day: Volunteer to be part of a Colour Party for your local Citizenship Ceremony through your local Council
February 22nd – World Thinking Day
March First Sunday in March – Clean Up Australia Day
25th - Earth Hour at 8.30pm
Bandaged Bear Appeal - The Royal Children's Hospital Westmead Red Cross Callin
April 25th – Anzac Day: Dawn Service at your local RSL or participate in the March in your Capital City
May Guide Biscuit Month
MS Awareness Month
Last weekend in May - Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal
June 1st Sunday in June - MS Walk & Fun Run
Last Friday in June – SIDS and Kids Red Nose Day
July 31st - National Tree Day: Australia's largest tree-planting and nature care event
August First Friday in August – Jeans for Genes Day
Second Sunday in August – City to Surf Rejectamenta
Monday mid August – RSPCA Cupcake Day
Last Friday of the month – Cancer Council's Daffodil Day
World Vision's 40 hour famine
Great Guide Sleepover at Taronga Zoo
September 16th - SSRR campfire: raising money fo The Sydney Dog and Cats Home
October Operation Christmas Child collection month
November 11th - Remembrance Day
13th - World Kindness Day
19th - World Toilet Day: raise awareness of those without access to proper, clean sanitation
December 1st - World AIDS Day Salvation Army Wishing Tree Appeal