Programs from Girl Guides Australia
Guides Connect
Be part of positive change with the Guides Connect Badge 2020! Look to be a proactive influencer by completing challenges in a number of categories across different aspects of your world – your home, Guiding Unit and your community.
Saluting Their Service 2020 - Australian Defence Force
In 2020 for Anzac Day, Girl Guides can conduct research or undertake activities focusing on the Australian Defence Force during times of war.
Through this commemorative challenge Guides are encouraged to reflect on the service, sacrifice and bravery of our Defence Force Members who have served in wars, conflicts and peace keeping operations.
Helping to move Australia: Women in Transport
The National Program Team in partnership with Transport Women Australia Ltd have developed a Program resource, activities and a colouring book to encourage girls to explore a range of activities focusing on transport in Australia. Women are a vital part of an industry that moves people, food and goods around the country and is a necessary part of both industry but also our daily life.
The program resource provides a range of ideas for girls to pursue including careers, art, science and road safety and they may choose to work towards their Create a Challenge Wheels badge as part of the program.
Guide Your Money
Designed for youth aged 7-12 years, the program includes 6 great topics designed to increase financial literacy awareness, confidence and skills through fun games and activities.
Commonwealth Games Challenge 2018
This program will build active, engaged and inclusive communities by motivating people to move more, value their health, and be active for life.
EnviroGuide 2017
EnviroGuide is focused on Awareness, Action, Service and Impact. It encourages Guides to get outdoors and explore their local environment, and to learn how to take care of it.
Programs from WAGGGS
Action on Body Confidence
This program is created to support you to plan and run your own advocacy project to make a positive difference to the lives of children and young people.
Free Being Me + additional FBM resources from Girl Guides Australia
Through fun and interactive activities, children and young people learn that body confidence and self-esteem come from valuing their bodies, standing up to social pressures, and supporting others to be more body confident.
Stop the Violence
Voices against Violence (VAV) is a non-formal learning program for boys and girls that has been developed by UN Women and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). The initiative is designed to help young people learn to talk about violence, understand its root causes, recognise their rights and develop the skills and confidence to access those rights for themselves and others.
* See GGAs FAQ for further information about this program in Australia.
Surf Smart
A non-formal educational curriculum about staying safe online, helps to inform young people about the importance of staying safe online and how they can protect themselves.