We are always looking for exciting new resources. If you have any to share, please email: web@ssrguides.org

What is the Australian Guide Program?

The Australian Guide Program is a non-formal educational program based on shared leadership and decision-making at all ages.

There are four main elements in the Australian Guide Program: physical, people, practical, and self. The program includes a variety of fun activities that focus on self-development in the areas of practical skills, physical development and relationships with people, appropriate to age and interests.

Guides of all ages are involved in decision-making, planning, implementing and evaluating their activities. Guiding is about being part of a team. Leadership development begins with the youngest Guides and develops as the girls mature.

The program is based around the seven fundamental concepts of Baden-Powell’s philosophy: Promise and Law, Outdoors, World Guiding, Guiding Traditions, Patrol System, Leadership Skills and Service. 

The process used in the Australian Guide Program is: Discover, Decide, Plan, Do and Check.

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Seven Fundamentals of Guiding

Click the links below, to discover resources based on the Seven Fundamentals of Guiding

Seven Fundamentals of Guiding

Resource Websites

Girl Guides NSW & ACT Inclusion Support Resource website –http://specialneedsgirlguides.org.au/specialneedsgirlguides.org.au/webmaster/Special%20Needs%20Website/index.htm

Developing Child (Harvard) – Developing skills through activities and games (specific age groups)

Free Being Me – via Girl Guides NSW & ACT website
Playmeo – via Girl Guides NSW & ACT website (Members need to login to access this page)
UK Leaders’ support & resources – www.guiders.co.uk
Becky’s Guiding Resource Centre – http://dragon.sleepdeprived.ca
The Guide Zone – http://guidezone.e-guiding.com
Scoutorama – www.scoutorama.com
Guiding Works – www.guidingworks.com
Gecko to Guide Leader – http://geckotheguideleader.weebly.com/
Outdoor Activities for Kids – http://www.aaastateofplay.com/beyond-the-playground-outdoor-activities-for-kids/